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Hello and Welcome!

I'm very excited to have finished my website. I've worked for a few hours to compile a lot of great information for any of you who visit. It would be very appreciated if you took the time to look at all of it.

It's still the beginning of the year, so why not start a journey to a new healthy you, and a healthier family. I started my journey with using essential oils in June of last year and I couldn't be happier with where I am right now. My cousin hosted an essential oils class, so I decided to take the time to go. That class really opened up my eyes then about essential oils and how they are not created equal.

I used to buy my essential oils from Wal-Mart; I cringe now just thinking about someone buying those! Those essential oils are laden with chemical extenders and solvents. Why would someone who wants to use essential oils, and start a healthier lifestyle in the process, go use ones that aren't even pure or good to put on your body! it baffles me, really. Some of those bottles even say "Not Intended for Internal Use".

Once going to my cousin's class and seeing how much Young Living really cares about their products, and seeing tons of videos on their Seed to Seal promise, it's really easy to choose Young Living. Buying the Premium Starter Kit was my first step to supporting my health.

Once I got my kit, I was very excited to try everything out all at once, but of course you want to take it slow. It's a lot of information, so I was informed to try each oil in the kit once a day for the next 11 days; each day getting to know that one oil really well. Of course, my favorite became Lavender. I use it for a variety of things, from keeping in the kitchen for when I have accidents from cooking to helping me get a restful sleep at night. Just let me tell you, I haven't regretted the decision to buying a starter kit. With all the uses those oils have, 7 months later and I still have about half of that kit left! It really has lasted a long time.

If you ever decided to take the plunge and purchase a starter kit (which you can learn about on the "Oil Guide" page and go to the "Getting Started" page to get a kit, you won't regret it), share it with your friends. Don't keep it to yourself! Surround your friends a family with health and start off the rest of the year with a good note!

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