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Saving Money

Let's talk about something real here for a second, saving money. It's not the easiest thing in the world to do, Lord knows I struggle with it everyday! If I can find something, or someplace, that can save me a few bucks, sign me up!

This is where essential oils come in! I only realized about a month ago how much money I was saving when I switched over to these miracle liquids. The image above explain it pretty well.

Let's take for example, you buy a daily face wash, one to two bottles per month, and wash your face once or twice a day. A quick check on Google shows me that a face wash can range from $7 all the way up to about $25. That can get pretty expensive! If you're buying two bottles of that month, you can spend up for $50 dollars a month! That's crazy, that money could be spent saving up for something, or even just be put in your savings account. Let alone, all the nasty chemicals that aren't good for your body that are in those cleansers.

I personally make my own face wash. Why? Because in the long run it is cheaper! Let's check that you. My face wash consists of castile soap, water, Lavender and Frankincense.

A 16oz. bottle of castile soap is about $10.99, water from the tap is basically free, and I use about 1 to 2 drops of each essential oil, that i mentioned above, in my recipe. The image above shows the price per drop of each bottle, Lavender happens to be 9 cents per drop and Frankincense is 29 cents per drop.

I get a foaming soap bottle, which I get at the dollar store for $1 and dump the soap out of it. I fill about 3 quarters of the way with castle soap, the drops of essential oil, and the rest with water. That's it! That's about 75 cents worth of essential oils in that bottle. and I only used a small amount of the soap. I still currently have the same bottle of face wash I made 4 months ago, and it's only about half empty. I use that face wash 2 times a day.

That's about about $13, every four months or more! Compared to the $14 to $50 dollars A MONTH, I'll take that. Talk about saving money.

Moral of the story, these essential oils save you money. Since you are only using one drop per application, that 5ml bottle will last you 45 to 90 days, and that 15ml bottle will last you almost 250 applications. That's so much better than spending an absurd amount of money a month on products that you could make yourself at home for cheaper.

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